Time For A Change?

Posted on August 30, 2013 by

When I initially started this blog 15 months ago I was unsure what to expect. I had no experience blogging and was quite busy pursuing my Phd at the University of Calgary (I am still quite busy). So far I am happy with the results. But I would like for it to be better and am asking for some advice on what could make it better. I have thought of  two ideas which I will mention below and am looking for some feedback on those as well as others that I may not have considered.

(1) The name of the blog seems not to fit any longer. “A” Philosopher’s Take seems to suggest that the blog is made up of only one contributor. It’s not. Then again, it could just refer to the author of any particular post. Regardless, with contributors from other disciplines (law) soon to give their take on issues it seems that a name change is in order. So, I am asking you for suggestions on what the name ought to be. Thus far the blog has been fairly philosophical in nature with many posts centered around central philosophical problems, CFP’s in the field, and ethical quandaries in the media. If I had to categorize the content of the blog I would say it has 3 main components.

*Philosophy or Philosophical Discourse (focused on Metaphysics-Free Will, Ethics, and Epistemology)
*Events happening in the field of Philosophy (CFP’s, etc.)
*Ethical thinking regarding News and Sports.

I’m not sure how to go about naming it since the blog has a wide array of posts. Given that the contributors have been mostly graduate students in Philosophy I was thinking that the title should have the word Philosophy in it. Then again I’m not so sure. I do plan on engaging in more central problems within the discipline but I would prefer to have this be the first and last name change that could make sense even if the blog became a bit more narrowed in scope in the future. Here are some half-baked blog name ideas below.

*Uncertain Analysis
*Philosophy ETC (Got the idea from Ethics ETC)
*Philosophical Musings
*Tapestry of Thought
*On Philosophy
*All Things Philosophical

I think I am leaning toward “Philosophy ETC”.

(2) Another change will be to add a page for contributors. At the moment thre is only a side bar widget to see who the contributors are. In the coming weeks I will create a page at the top of the screen (Near the ‘About’ and ‘Write for a Philosopher’s Take’ links) which will include a blurb about the contributors (their interests and institution affiliations and links to their websites, etc.).

There are changes coming. I have mentioned two here. I am open to hearing further suggestions and I am hoping to get some feedback on the two proposed changes, specifically, I would like to know what you think about the proposed new name for the blog.

Keep in mind that the purpose of the blog is to offer critical and self-critical commentary on philosophy, and whatever other topics draw our attention.

Thanks in advance.


Posted in: Blogging